The app for audio erotica

Quinn Code of Conduct

Our mission at Quinn is to create a platform for safe, supportive exploration and fantasy. We know everyone has different desires, appetites and boundaries, but to keep Quinn a place where everyone feels welcome, there must be a set of shared expectations for everyone – creators and subscribers alike.

And, of course, us.

Here’s what you should expect from us:

  • We will listen closely and compassionately to our community – and grow with your feedback.
  • We will take a zero-tolerance approach to mistreatment, harassment, or abuse.
  • We will take swift, decisive action – including removing content or comments if community guidelines are violated.

We encourage Quinn subscribers and creators to engage and interact – on the platform and elsewhere. While we can’t enforce subscriber behavior in all venues outside of Quinn, we do expect everyone on the platform and our branded social channels to adhere to these basic guidelines:

  • Be kind and accepting.
  • No misogynistic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or discriminatory comments of any kind.
  • No cyber-bullying of any kind.
  • No abuse of any kind.
  • No soliciting or posting of explicit images.

Outside of Quinn, we ask fans to engage with creators respectfully. Remember, they create content for you, but it is fantasy. Don’t harass them, stalk them or send explicit images or messages. We support creators who block subscribers who violate their boundaries.

We vet creators prior to sharing their content on Quinn and we hold them to high standards even off the platform. No matter the venue, behaviors by creators such as those below can result in removal from Quinn:

  • Misogynistic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or discriminatory comments of any kind.
  • Cyber-bullying of any kind.
  • Abuse of any kind.
  • Unprofessional or explicit messaging with users or fans.
  • Soliciting explicit messages or media from users.
  • Sending explicit messages or media to fans.
  • Interacting with minors as a Quinn creator, regardless of the content of the conversation.
  • Posting negative comments about other Quinn creators.

It’s up to all of us to keep Quinn the kind of caring place of discovery and excitement that brought us together.

© 2024 Quinn, Inc. All Rights Reserved.